Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Important Facts we learned at Orientation on Monday morning

Our orientation Monday morning was at Peoples United Methodist Church in New Orleans.  We learned some amazing facts about recovery in New Orleans since Katrina.  Northshore Disaster Relief (NDRI), whom we are supporting through UMCOR, has had 57,000 volunteers to date since the hurricane hit!  They expect it will be at least two more years until the work is done.  Joe Burke, the director, shared that there are many they are helping because of crooked contractors and agencies that didn't come through with money.  One single mom gave a contractor $90,000 to repair her home.  The contractor worked one day and left with her money. 
It turns out we actually we have a few work sites in the 9th ward.  We also have a work site in Chalmette.  We hear that in that area, only 12 houses were left unscathed!

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